To sign up for a session, go to in the Sessions section of this website, click here, or call me and I can sign you up.

If you are a new client please send proof of having received a Covid-19 vaccine. Masks are no longer required during a session, following Washington State guidelines for licensed healthcare professionals. If you are not vaccinated for Covid-19, I may ask you to wear a KN95 mask, which I can provide.

I ended my Seattle practice in 2019. I am happy to refer anyone to other Rolfers and Structural Integrators in the Seattle area and across the Northwest.

What is Rolfing®?


Rolfing Structural Integration is a scientifically validated system of restructuring the human body. Developed by Dr. Ida P Rolf in the 1950s and 60s, Structural Integration is now taught at nearly twenty different schools around the world. The main goal is to let gravity naturally realign a body for optimum health and well-being. As a deep method of bodywork, Rolfing Structural Integration often improves posture, reduces or eliminates chronic pain, and releases long-term emotional and mental stress.